Author: mc2maven
6/19/17 – How to Pass a Carbon Fee & Dividend Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives
Reproduced from When the Trump Administration withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, a list of 323 cities (and growing) joined the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda. These cities have pledged to meet their local climate action goals, create additional action plans to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius warming target described in the Paris Agreement,…
6/11/17 – Unlock Climate Consensus with Clean Energy — Not Climate Science
Reproduced from This blog post is the 2nd part of a series focused on arguments and strategies to achieve climate policy consensus in the United States. Part I introduces the author and advocates for a national Carbon Dividend. Statistics on U.S. views of climate change are largely drawn from the Pew Center’s research on climate politics. There…
6/2/17 – A Call for a National Carbon Dividend
Reproduced from I’ve sent a letter similar to the one below to my Senators and Congressional representative. If you also feel strongly that it is time to take action on climate change, share your story on the human cost of climate change and write or call your Congressional Representatives in the House or the Senate in support of…